This Financial Planner helps you track and categorize your expenses and lets you simulate where my financial situation is heading.
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I recently wanted to take a closer look at my income and spending habits. So I was looking for a tool, that could do 2 things:
- Track and categorize my Expenses over the last year
- Using this data to simulate where my financial situation is heading
Use the Basic Version (Tracker & Dashboard), to structure and visualize your spending. Make a copy to your drive and use it any way you like!
To use the table fill out the “Date”-Section (mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd), description, category (dropdown list) and amount. The Table will calculate the Month and Balance.
Feel free to add more categories to the List. But, they won’t show up in the results dashboard, unless you add them there.
The Dashboard is completely automated and will pull all the data from the Tracking Sheet. Use the menu in the Top Left (currently January) to select the month you want to track.
The full Version adds the option to look at your finances over time. The script will run whenever you press the Button “Generate Budget Plan”. It might take a few seconds to generate the table, depending on the timeframe and number of events.
So, don’t go overboard! =) Worst case, reload your Sheet.
Generating a List with 7000+ entries, simply exit and re-open the Sheet. Shouldn’t take longer than 30sek, except something went wrong!
Generate your own List by adding Start Date, Start Balance and End Date in the “Fixed Income/Expenses” Tab.
Next add the details (Name, Date, Category, Amount, Repetition) the rest will autofill.
Add as much data as possible to make the prediction more accurate.
The Tracker helps to find the average cost of irregular expenses (like Groceries). Using this average is way faster, than tracking each individual purchase.
Next add all the one-time expenses/income to the “One-Time”-tab. If you had an expensive month for one of you fixed expenses, consider adding the difference as a one-time cost.
With this data the script will do the rest of the work! Generating a full list and chart of all expenses/income for the specified time period.
The balance chart visualizes the general trend of your financials.
You can also use this tool if you think about buying something. Plug in the numbers and check if you currently have enough spare money/income to finance that investment.